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Montag, 30. Mai 2011

CMIT Featured Designer Challenge

Muttertag 2011 

(Mother`s Day 2011)

Vom Karton zur Blumenvase.
(from cardboard to flower vase)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hi, all together,
    this is short on experience for me. I`m doing my first steps with blogging, posting, writing comments etc. - and I must learn so much (such as English!) Hope, I`m successful with learning and perhaps sometime I will win your challenge?
    Wish you luck (and me too).

  2. What a wonderful way to display live or dried flowers! Thanks for joining us in the CMIT Challenge!

  3. Hi, Marge,
    thank you so much for your comment - you are the very first on my blog!!! Welcome!!!
    I`m glad, because you like my work.
    I`m german, and my english is not the best. Here in germany it`s late, and I must got to bed now. Hope, we will "see us" later in time again.
    Perhaps you can help me, because I have no idea, how to make a comment for the challenge. Many greatings from here.
